돌봄 교육 종사자를 위한 교육 커리큘럼
복지서비스 종사자를 위한 교육 커리큘럼
복지현장 실무 교육 커리큘럼
화성시 장기요양기관 지정갱신 대비 교육
화성시 안전한 복지 지원을 위한 안전한 대처와 실천
화성시 사회서비스 종사자 홍보 역량강화 교육
사례로 알아보는 장애인 인권(1차)
사례로 알아보는 장애인 인권(2차)
종사자 마음돌봄을 위한 '오늘은 힐링DAY' - 퍼스널컬러
종사자 마음돌봄을 위한 '오늘은 힐링DAY' - 팝아트초상화
종사자 마음돌봄을 위한 '오늘은 힐링DAY' - 원예테라피
사회복지시설정보시스템, 사회서비스정보시스템 전산실습교육(2)
전문적 노인돌봄서비스 구축을 위한 장기요양기관 심화연수
화성시 사회서비스 신입직원 온보딩
화성시 복지페스타 연계 영상제작 교육-1차
화성시 복지페스타 연계 영상제작 교육-2차
화성시 장애인 인권을 위한 안전한 대처와 실천
화성시 아동복지시설 종사자 직무역량 강화 교육(홍보)
화성시 사회서비스 종사자 커뮤니케이션 스킬 UP!
화성시 아동복지시설 종사자 직무역량 강화 교육(예산회계)
화성시 사회서비스 종사자 마음돌봄을 위한 원예테라피
ABA와 긍정적 행동 중재(기본과정)
Smart Work 디지털 업무역량 강화
쉽게 배우는 글쓰기와 프로포절 작성법
화성시 아동복지시설 예산회계 실무 중심 교육
사례로 알아보는 장애인 인권(5차)
인터넷강의는 처음 들어봤습니다. 강사님이 친절하시고, 수업 내용이 ...
좋은 강의 감사합니다.
test reviews
I bought this course in installments. I recommend this course to everyone.
The course was great, nice explanation.
I really enjoyed this course. The explanations were very detailed and clear. Nice job on the course! ...
It was a perfect course. I recommend it to everyone.
I recommend this course to everyone.
It was perfect. I learned all the key points of Office with this bundle.
Perfect course. I recommend this course to everyone. Regards.
This course was perfect.
It was an excellent course. I hope to see more courses from this teacher in the future.
It was a perfect Course. Thank Robert :)
Great course, concise and to the point. Realized how much time I have been wasting. Tried some of ...
Personally I love fitness and wanted to gain more knowledge because I love to workout and also help ...
The instructor is very clear in his teaching and he makes it so simple for anyone to understand what ...
Good Course, It has good tips and information, it is important to apply these on your day-to-day to ...
The course is completely worth. The instructors gave practical instances and interviewed two ...
this last lecture about controller and routing didnt worked for me. Second page is not loading even ...
Didn't have the expert deliver the information. Heavily political bashing. Full disaster and scare ...
Has some previous experience. But wanted to further develop this knowledge and chose to do it ...
Very clear and entertaining course, made me feel prepared to take the next step in my journey to ...
It's a nice course for who is new in Linux distribution. You may take this course for Basic Linux ...
The course covers all the basics required along with applications which gives the learner a high ...
Definitely recommended for anyone starting out excel. If you are familiar with the basics and have ...
This course is full of traveling information. I'm so thankful for new tips that I didn't hear ...